When were still kids we often say "pag tanda ko gusto ko..." but when when were already grown up we look back to those odd things we do and say "nung bata pa ako..."
sabi ko noon sa sarili ko na PagtaNda ko gUsto ko...
1. Makapag aral sa College at Makakilala ng marami at iba't ibang klase ng tao
2. Pumunta sa Boracay
3. MaginG pRivAte NurSe ng Pitt FamiLy
4. MakAkiTa Ng MaRamiNg ceLeb or that i waNt to Be oNe oF TheM
5. Go out of town with friends/classmates
6. Live heaLthieR Life (sTay aWaY fRom anYthing Bad aNd at LeasT hAv a reGuLaR eXeRciSe)
7. Maging successful ako iN eVerYThing i Do
8. Yumaman ako (as iN yUng LoTsa LoTsa MoNey)
9. Makita koNg HapPy ang PareNts ko
10. Live A lIFe cLosEr to God
at NgaYon NgaNg MaTanda Na Ko as I look Back nasasabi ko na LaNg na nUnG bAta Ako...
1. aNg supEr duPer Likot/kuLit ko
2. MaLdiTa ako! iLang YayA aTa YunG napAaLis ko (*aaw, now i piTy TheM)
3. I was so super duper mega uber sipag to sTudy
4. I was so super duper acTive iN joiNing acaDeMic/non-AcaDeMic aCTiViTiEs
5. I was so super duper puti (nGaYon super duPer NegRa nA!!!)
6. Im rude and I answer back to my mom
7. I disObeY hoUse RuLes
8. I go oUt wiTh Kids who doEs thE daRnesT Things (thiNgs Like: say baDwords, sMoke, cuT class and etc...)
9. I disReGard tHe facT tHaT i May Get sicK if I plAy out wiThout slippers
10. I doNt pRacTice good-seLf HyGienE (i doN't usually cOmB mY hAiR, bRush mY TeEtH or EvEn to WasH hAnDs b4 aNd AfTeR eaTing)
11. I was Such a Kid who haNgs OuT wiTh The Boys and aDapt thEir wAy of Life (b4 i bLivd i wAs a Guy 'coZ i'm alwYs wiTh bUnChes of dEm)
12. Im aFrAd To LeARn NeW ThiNgs
13. I doNt go To chuRch reguLarLy
indeed all that i put up there was true. everyone (even You, the one who reads this) look back to younger years and say "ano bang mga pinag-gagawa ko nung bata ako? dati ba, ano gusto ko maging pagtanda ko?"
foolishness to say that PeoPLe don't want to go back to tHeir childhood... EvRyone wants to...
..go Back To THe TiMe wHen we are young and carefree... we don't bother what people thinks about us, we are not bothered by the growing population, we don't care about the fare hike, we don't care about money, we don't care if we skip meals, we don't care if we don't sleep... we don't value things around us.
But now tHat we are yeArs oLder tHan bEfoRe, we face reaLity. all of a suDden EvRyThiNg coUnts...
... we are always thinKing about what other people would say about how we look, what we do, how we act, where we'll go, and stuffs like that, we are very much affected with the explosive increAse in OuR popuLation, we are very sensitive when it comes to fare hikes, we worry aBout budgeting and mOney, wE skIp meaLs bEcaUSe we are all toO bUsY, we miss OuR beds because we hardLy even sLeep (sTaying up all nighT ruNNing afTer a deAdLine)... We value each moment for we have realized that any minute our life can be taken away. We thank God foR every morning we are abLe to WaKe up, wiTness The suNshIne and sTaRt a New daY fuLL oF hoPes and DreAMs...
personally, at 17 i already did some things that I wanted to do when I was Younger. I am now in College and continuously meeting different kinds of people from different walks of Life, i hAv beEn in BoRa, i aLreAdy had an Out of Town Trip wiTh my gRoupmatEs (in BaTanGas), i hav seen my paRents happy, and I have been closer to God.
there are still a lot of thins na gusto ko gawin or ma-accomplish when i get older. But all of those doesn't matter to me as of the moment. I look back in my past and I look forward to my future but it's just that. I dont live in the past or get drowned by the hopes of my future. I just live my life. Treasure each day. Thank God for the miracle i recieve every morning. Put my heart in every moment, enjoy and make the most out of it.